From the Principal's Desk...


    Our Mission
    Our mission at Apshawa Elementary School is to create a safe, positive learning environment that centers on the hearts, minds, and needs of all children. Students will be nurtured, inspired, and challenged to become lifelong learners and global citizens. While focusing on strengthening academics, we also prioritize our core values to enrich these experiences. This includes our Full Value language: Be Here, Be Honest, Be Safe, Be Respectful, Set Goals, & Let Go, Move On.

    About Apshawa
    Apshawa Elementary School is the educational home of kindergarten through grade five children in West Milford, New Jersey. West Milford is a beautiful, expansive township that is proud of its schools, children, and close-knit community. 

    Our school typically contains two sections of each grade level K-5 and approximately 250 students. Classroom teachers instruct students in the areas of Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish. In grades 4 and 5, subject areas are departmentalized allowing students to practice the independence and responsibility required for middle school. Our programs are fully aligned with the Common Core State Standards and New Jersey Core Content Curriculum Standards, as are our newly revised report cards. 

    Our teachers are always refining and developing their in-depth professional approach to the Reading and Writing Workshop, as well as utilizing that learning to support student math achievement. Through the use of data, mini-lessons, conferring, small group work, and centers, teachers are empowered to meet individual students’ needs for challenge and support. The use of developmentally appropriate manipulatives further enhances the engagement and understanding of mathematical concepts for students through the Eureka Math 2 program, newly adopted by our District. Classrooms are busy, active, and child-centered. Students have access to many texts, resources, and opportunities to aid in learning, inquiry, and achievement in classrooms and our centrally-located Media Center.

    Curricular programs are frequently reviewed to ensure that the goals and objectives coordinate with standards, district expectations, and our students’ needs.  Additionally, we implement fully developed curricula for Vocal Music, Art, Health, Library Skills, Digital Citizenship and Physical Education. Apshawa utilizes document cameras, Chromebooks, and interactive classroom devices are some of the technological devices to enrich learning; we are refining and enhancing our students’ technological experiences in our school as we believe that the natural uses of technology as a tool to gather, organize, and present information ultimately maximizes classroom instruction and student achievement.

    Our students have access to many other programs that support and enrich their academic experience. Programs include Gifted and Talented  Art in grades 5, the Learning Unlimited program for eligible students, academic and extra-curricular clubs, instrumental and vocal music, and the Encore Basic Skills program. Students are nurtured by our School Counselor, Media Specialist, School Nurse, Speech Therapist, Reading Specialist, and CST support staff. We are all very fortunate to have an active and energetic Parent Teachers Association. With the support of the staff and community, students at Apshawa School have numerous opportunities to grow and develop as compassionate, giving human beings with the encouragement of the caring adults who support our school. 
    The experiences students are provided at Apshawa School enable them to enter the Macopin Middle School with a solid foundation of experiences, academic achievement, and the desire and motivation to continue their learning far beyond our school doors.