• Administrative Teams

    District Administration
    District and school administrators are responsible for providing instructional leadership and developing, implementing, and evaluating district and school systems and policies. District administrators include superintendents and central administration staff under the direction of a school board.

    School Principals
    School principals provide strategic direction in the school system. Principals develop standardized curricula, assess teaching methods, monitor student achievement, encourage parent involvement, hire and evaluate staff and oversee their facilities.

    Department Supervisors
    Providing leadership in specific academic areas, department supervisors plan their school's curriculum. This includes determining what materials will be covered in different classes and how it will best be presented.  

    Central Office Staff
    School district central offices perform vital functions that keeps the school district running.  At the highest level, the central office exists to carry out the directives of the school board, the county office of education, and the state. School district central offices oversee everything from making sure the water fountains work to ensuring compliance with a myriad of federal, state and local laws and directives.